WoD: Barbara:5RFT:20x Pull-ups30x Push-ups40x Sit-ups50x SquatsRest precisely three minutes between each round.[Cap 45′](scaled: reduce alle reps by 10: 10x Pull-ups, 20x Push-ups, …) (*Adv.: for Quality if finished far before the timecap:sets of 3-5 DB-Squat Cleans 2×50/35lbs-> go heavy, Rest 1-2′ beetween heavy sets)
For Quality: good paced Run and Reps for Quality4’30“ time @ each station:1) 500m Run + Practice DU’s/SU’s2) 500m Run + Pull-ups3) 500m Run + DB-Clean 2×50/35lbs30“ Break beetween station[20′] WoD: AMRAP 8′, ladder+11x KB-Swing 24/16kg (+1)1x Sit-ups (+1)EMOM: 5x Burpee Finisher: Sally
EMOM for 10′:5x Thrusters 50/35kg & 5x Burpees (*Adv.: Over Bar)(adapt +/- 1 rep @ both exercises if possible/necessary) WoD: Teams of 2, AMRAP 20′:you go – i go:6x alt. 1-arm OH-Lunges 50/35lbs 6x T2B12x KB-Swings 24/16kg
A) For Quality 10′, continuous movement:(if you can’t maintain one exercise anymore –> go to the next)Flutter KicksGoblet Squats 24/16kgStrict-Sit-ups30-60“ Break B) WoD: Survival WOD:Every 6“ for 99 Rounds: [10′]1x honest Strict Pull-up (scaled: Bands)(if you fail move to:–> 1x Chin-up–> 1x Kipping Pull-up–> 1x Burpee–> 3,2 or 1 Jumping Jack)[score: Survived Rounds on Pull-ups]…
For Quality 14′:10x Band Pull Aparts green/blue10x Floorpress 2x 50/35lbs10x High Box Step-ups 5/5~1′ Break WoD: OTM 14′1) 10x alt. DB-Squatsnatches 50/35lbs (*Adv.: 4-5x BB-Squatsnatches 40/30kg)2) 10x Burpees
Conditioning:Every 1,5 minutes, for 3 Rounds: (13,5 minutes):1) 20x alt. Walking Lunges 2x 35/25lbs (16/12kg)2) 12-20x Tempo Push-Ups @ 1111 (*weighted) 3) 8-12x Chin-Ups @ 2“ down (*weighted) WoD: Tabata 8×20“on/10“off:1) KB-Swings 32/24kg2) Sit-ups3) Thrusters 50/35kg
Complex:Every 1,5′ for 6 Rounds [9′]2x Thruster 60/40kg2x F-Squat 60/40kg2x Push-Press 60/40kg–> go heavy WoD: For Time, 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps– Sit-ups– Push-ups– KB-Swings 24/16kg[Cap 15′]
A) for Quality 12′:14x alt. DB-Snatches 50/35lbs (KB: 24/16kg)10x 1-leg Romaian Deadlift 24/16kg (5x r/5x l)30“ Hollow30“ Superman30“ Break B) WoD: OTM, 5 Rds:1) 3x Man Makers 2×45/25lbs // (2×20/12kg)2) 10-16x alt.Pistols(sc.: assisted / Jumping Squats)3) 20-45x DU’s or Crossovers/90x SU’s Sally: Olympic Sit-ups
“Pyramid Double Helen”For Time:Run 1000m63x KB Swings, 24kg/16kg36x Pull UpsRun 1000m42x KB Swings24x Pull UpsRun 500m21x KB Swings12x Pull Ups[CAP: 30′] OR “Partner Pyramid Double Helen”– Run together– Break up the reps as you like
Skill/Strength:for Quality 15′:Sets of 5 unbroken Cleans 60/40kg WOD: „RAED LINE“OTM 15′:1) 12x Burpees over Bar2) 5x Clean 60/40kg3) 30“ Max DU’s (SU’s/3)[score: total DU’s/SU’s & +1 rep for each kg more on the Clean each Round, if you have 10kg more on the Barbell the whole Workout you will get + 50 reps. If…