OTM 10′:1) 10x Floorpress 2×50/35lbs2) 30“ Hollow WOD:ELIZABETH:21-15-9 reps, for time:Power Cleans 60/42,5kgRing Dips (sc.: banded, on box)[Cap 10′]ORFRAN:21-15-9 reps for time of:Thrusters 42,5/30kgPull-ups[Cap 10′]
Team “Murph”, Teams of 2 (on/off):1,5 km Run100 Pull-ups200 Push-Ups300 Squats1,5 km Run[CAP 45′] Rules:– Both team members must run a mile together each time.– Teams may break up exercises between run segments however they wish but only 1 person can be working at a time, while the other team mate is resting.(Adv.: the other…
OTM 15′:1) 15x American KB-Swings 24/16kg2) 9-12x Burpees3) 15x Sit-ups (*Strict / **weighted) 15′ time for:GWEN:15-12-9 Reps for LoadClean-and-Jerks (unbroken)– Rest as needed between sets– Score is weight used for all three unbroken sets.– Each set must be unbroken (touch and go at floor) only; even a re-grip off the floor is a foul.– Use…
OTM 9′:1) 8-10x Band Pull-Aparts Green/Blue2) 8-10x Box-Jumps3) 8-10x Burpees WoD: ChelseaEMOM for 30′:5x pull-ups10x push-ups15x squats(sc.: +/-1 @ each exercise)
OTM 12′:1) 10x Burpees2) 12x Wallballs 20/14lbs3) 14x Sit-ups WoD: For time:21x Thursters 40/30kg500m Run18x Thursters 40/30kg500m Run15x Thrusters 40/30kg500m Run[Cap 18′]
A) OTM 15′1) ME one unbroken set of Ring Dips2)15-20x Squats3) 30“ Hollow B) WOD, for time:50x Wallballs 20/14lbs10x Pull-ups (*5 muscle ups / sc.: banded or Jumping Pull-ups) 40x KTE 8x Pull-ups 8x Pull-ups (*4 muscle ups)30x Thrusters 40/30kg6x Pull-ups (*3 muscle ups) 20x Burpees 4x Pull-ups (*2 muscle ups)10x HRPUs2x Pull-ups (*1 muscle…
A) Strength/Skill:Every 2′ for 6 Rounds:6x Floorpress on MB 2x 50/35lbs (KB: 2x 20/16kg)4x Strict Pull-ups B) WOD AMRAP 12′:6x Power Sntaches 40/30kg(sc.: 12x DB-Snatches 50/35lbs 6/6)12x Burpees4x Shuttle Runs
OTM 9′, for Quality 40“on/20“off:1) MB-Squatcleans 20/14lbs2) T2B3) Plank (*weighted / sc. on knees) WoD: AMRAP 30′, Teams of 2 (on/off):6′ time on each station with a Buy in of 500m MB-Partnerrun 20/14lbs every time.#1) G2O 20/15kg#2) Wallballs 20/14lbs#3) HRPU’s#4) V-ups#5) Goblet Squats 24/16kg[score: all reps]
OTM 10′: RX @ 40/30kg1) 2x Power snatch + OH-Squat1x Hang Squat Snatch + OH-Squat2) 8x Snatch grip Deadlift3x Burpees Strength/Skill:Every 1,5′ for 4 Rounds:4x Snatch grip Highpulls 40/30kg–> go heavy if possible WOD: AMRAP 7′5x Deadlift 110/75kg10x OH-Plate Lunges 20/15kg15x Sit-ups
For Quality 15′:20x Sit-ups20x Russian Twists 20/14lbs (r+l = 1rep)10x Triceps Kickbacks 2x 2,5/1,15kg10x Push-ups (ellbows narrow)10x Dips~ 1′ Break WoD: OTM 15′:1) 10x alt. Dumbbell Thrusters 2x 50/35lbs2) 10x Box-Jumps 60/50cm3) 30“ DU’s, Cross-Overs or SU’s