WoD: AMRAP 30′, Teams of 2:500m Run / on Station -> when Runner returns: on/off on station. If station 1 is finished, switch roles and move on to station 2.Station 1: 50x Wallballs 20/14lbsStation 2: 50x American KB-Swings 24/16kgStation 3: 50x Burpees
For Quality 13′50x DU’s or 50x Crossovers or 100x SU’s5x Snatch 40/30kg (sc.: 10x DB-Snatches 50/35lbs)1′ Break WoD: OTM/AMRAP 16′ (4 Rounds):1) 5x Thrusters 50/35kg2) ME Pull-ups (*MU’s) 3) 5x Wheels off Hell 4) ME HRPU’s (*HSPU’s)
Strength:Every 2,5′ for 4 Rounds:6-8x Tempo Front Squats @3“ down(50-60% of 1-RM)and 12-15x Double Kettlebell Front Racked Squats 2×24/15kg (DBs: 2×55/35lbs) WoD: OTM 18′:1) 15x SDHPs 32/24kg2) 12-15x Toe Touches (Adv.: MB 14/8lbs) 3) 30“ Hollow (Adv.: MB 14/8lbs)
Strength/Skill for 20′:(warm-up with 2-3 easier sets)5 x 5reps of F-Squats 80/55kgfollowed til the end bysets of 3x Tempo F-Squats 60/40 @22×2 (@ 70% of 1RM)(2“ Down / 2“ Bottom Hold / eXplosiv Up / 2“ Hold in F-Rack) WOD: 21-15-9 reps for time:– KB-Swings 24/16kg– Push-Presses 40/30kg[Cap 9′]
for Quality 15′:8x Power Snatches 35/25kg(8x alt. DB-Snatches 50/35lbs)8x Strict Pull-ups16x Tip Toes~1′ Break WoD, „Open 11.1“:AMRAP 10′30x DU’s15x Power Snatches 35/25kg(Sc.: 15x alt. DB-Snatches 50/35lbs)
OTM 16′:1) 14x Wallballs 20/14lbs2) 10x Landmine Twists 35/25kg3) 14x T2B4) 10x Burpees WOD:Tabata 8×20“on/10“off#1: HRPU’s(short Break)#2: alt. Lunges (*Jumping)(short Break)#3: KB-Swings 24/16kg
Strength:Complex @ 60/40kg:every 2′ for 12′:1x Clean1x Thruster1x Hang Power Clean1x Push-Press1x F-Squat WOD – Crossover ANNIE:50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:– Sit-ups– Cross Overs (Sc.: DU’s / SU’s * 3)[Cap 13′]
Strength: 15′5′ warm-up, find starting weightEvery 2′ for 5 Rounds5x Deadlift 120/80kg15x HollowRocks WoD: OTM; 15′:1) 6x Pull-up – T2B2) 6-9x Burpee – Push-ups3) 9x KB-Taters 24/16kg
OTM 12′:1) 10x Box-Jumps2) 10x Floorpress 2x 50/35lbs3) 40“ Plank on MB (Sc.: on Knees, *Adv.: stir the pot) WoD:(5′ warm-up + find starting weight)NANCY:5 RFT:15x OHS 42,5kg/30kg (Sc.: F-Squats)500m Run beetween Rounds[Cap 16′]
Strength: 15′ Deadlift:start with easier sets then:find your 5-8 RM MAX~2′ Break beetween heavy sets WoD:MARY, AMRAP 20′:5x handstand push-ups10x alt. Pistols15x pull-upsOrCINDY, AMRAP 20′:5x pull-ups10x push-ups15x squats