OTM: 12′:1) 8-12x Band Pull-Aparts Green/Blue2) 8-12x Floorpress 2×50/35lbs3) 8-12x Pistols (sc.:assisted / Jumping Squats /Squats) WoD:A) 5′ AMRAP:10x Wallballs500m RunME Wallballs2,5′ BreakB) 5′ AMRAP:10x T2B500m RunME T2B2,5′ BreakC) 5′ AMRAP:10x American KB-Swings 32/24kg500m RunME American KB-Swings[20′]
Outdoorworkout:(Adresse: Diamantweg 1, 4225 Luftenberg an der Donau) Strength: DeadliftsFirst build to your 5RMThen perform a total of 5 sets with your 5RM. Rest about 2,5′ between sets WoD:First: ME burpees in 1 minute, remember the number n = count of burpees you just did.then rest for 3 minutesthen: 5 rds for timen UNBROKEN burpeesrun…
Outdoorworkout:(Adresse: Diamantweg 1, 4225 Luftenberg an der Donau) 2 drop sets each, teams of 2:– push ups with weight plates on back (when you can’t do any more reps, you partner removes 1 plate – repeat until there are no more plates on your back, then finish off with knee push ups)– ring rows (start…
Outdoorworkout:(Adresse: Diamantweg 1, 4225 Luftenberg an der Donau) Strength: Tempo Back Squats (31×1) from RackFirst build to your 5RMThen perform a total of 5 sets with your 5RM. Rest about 2,5′ between sets WoD: Run-Snatch-Run, for time:2x run up the hill30 barbell snatches @50/35kg (or 60 dumbbell snatches @22,5/15kg)2x run up the hill
for Quality 10′:prepare for the workout, practice techniques, find weight. Hero WoD: Tommy Mac2 RFT:12x Burpees12x Thrusters 50/35kg12x Burpees12x Power Snatches 50/35kg12x Burpees12x Push Jerks 50/35kg12x Burpees12x Hang Squat Cleans 50/35kg12x Burpees12x Overhead Squats 50/35kg (sc.: F-Squats)[Cap 30′]
Hero WoD: Will Lindsay:10 RFT:3x Devil Presses 2×45/25lbs (*original: 55/35 lbs)22x Alt. DB-Lunges 2×45/25lbs (*original: 55/35 lbs)19x Air Squats[Cap 35′][*original: Wear a Weight Vest (20/14 lb)]
OTM 15′:1) 8-12x Box-Jumps 60/50cm (sc.: Step-ups)2) 5x slow Good Mornings 35/25kg3) 5x slow Strict T2B WoD: AMRAP 14′:Teams of 2, you go – i go, ladder +11x Power Clean 60/40kg (+1)1x Burpee over Bar (+1)1x F-Squat 60/40kg (+1)
Complex, Strict Press:Every 2′ for 4 Rounds:#1) 15x 30/20kg#2) 10x 40/25kg#3) 7x 50/30kg#4) 3-5x 60/40kg–> get heavy WoD:4,5′ time @ each station:always 500m Run (35x Burpees) +#1) 20x HRPU’s (*Adv.: 10-20x HSPUs)#2) 20x 1-Leg Romanian DL 55/35lbs (24/16kg)#3) 20x American KB-Swings 32/24kg#4) 20x DB-Snatches 55/35lbs#5) ME DU’s
Strength: F-Squats:Every 2′ for 5 Rounds:5x F-Squats 70/45kg WoD: For Quality, Every 2′ for 3 Rounds:1) Pull-ups (*MU’s) 2) SU’s / DU’s / CrossOvers 3) KB-Swings 24/16kg (*KB-Snatches)[Cap 18′]
OTM: 5 Rounds, 45“on/15“off:1) T2B2) Box-Jumps 60/50cm3) SU’s/DU’s WoD: „DECK of CARDS“:for time:Teams of 2 (on/off):(Face Cards = 10 reps, Ace = 11 reps) Choose Option 1:♥ = Burpees♠ = Wallballs 20/14lbs♦ = Kettlebell-Swings 24/16kg♣ = V-upsJoker = 25x Partner Sit-ups 20/14lbs(Cap 20′) or Option 2:♥ = Burpees♠ = Push-Press 40/30kg♦ = F-Squat 40/30kg♣ =…