OTM 12′:1) 6x Pull-ups (* Muscle-ups)2) 12x American KB-Swings 24/16kg (*12x alt. DB-Snatches 50/35lbs)3) 12x alt. Lunges +Twist4) 30“ Standing Knees to Chest + 30“ Cradle Stretch WoD: „Helen“ or CF GAMES2023 WOD „Helena“ 3RFT:500m Run 12x Pull-ups (*12x Bar Muscle-Ups)21x American KB-Swings 24/16kg (*21x alt. Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lbs)[Cap 15′][fastest athlete @CF Games: Jeffray Adler:…
For Quality 12′:try to stay unbroken:10x Hollow Rocks10x V-ups10x Tuck-ups10x Hollow1′ Rest WoD: OTM 20′, 40“on/20“off:6x on the same station) Commando Pull-ups1′ Break6x) Landmine – Romanian DL 30/20kg (alt. Legs 20“/20“)1′ Break6x) Flutter Kicks1′ Break
For Quality, OTM 12′, 40“on/20“off:1) DU´s / (SU’s)2) F-Squats 60/40kg3) Weels of Hell4) Hang-Power Clean 60/40kg WoD: EMOM 19´ (50/35 lb)6x alt. DB Deadlifts4x alt. DB Squat Cleans2x alt. DB Sholder-to-OverheadRemaining time in each minute, AMRAPGoblet March (L+R=1)[score: all Goblet March reps]
A) Strength/Skill:(6′: warm-up, find starting weight.)Then EMOM for 6′:2 x Power Cleans 70/45kg (AHAP) + 5-10x Push-ups B) WOD: AMRAP 12′5x Pull-ups (*Muscle-ups)7x KTE9x SDHPs 32/24kg11x MB-Clean 20/14lbs
Deadlift 15′:(warm up once:10x reps with 50%8x reps with 65%5x reps with 80%)then –> find your 5 RM WoD: Strict Jumping HELEN:3 RFT:111x DU’s/333xSU’s21x KB-Swings 24/16kg12x Strict Pull-ups[Cap 15′]
OTM 12′, 40“on/20“off:1) Burpee Broad Jump over Plate2) MB-Squatcleans 20/14lbs3) T2B WoD: AMRAP 18′:Teams of 2:work side by side -> High five after each station is finished -> then switch.Station #1:5x T2B10x Medball Squatceans 20/14lbs15x Toe Touches Station #2:25m Broad Jumps[Score: Rounds]
ROPE: for Quality 8′:go through the steps, stay @ the one you can’t handle perfectly:– 40x SUs– 5 Sets: 3x SU’s + 1x DU’s – 5-15x DU’s attempts– ME DU’s– Triple Unders SIT-UP: 2 Rounds:30“ Hollow30“ Superman30“ HollowRocks30“ SupermanRocks30“ Strict Sit-ups30“ weighted Sit-ups 25/15lbs30“ Sit-ups30“ Break WOD: Annie50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:– Double-unders (SU*3)– Sit-ups(Finisher:…
OTM 12′, 45“on/15“off:1: Jump + Land to Split-Jerk Position2: Strict Shoulder Press in Split-Jerk Position 20/15kg3: Split-Jerk 20/15kg WoD: Strength:Every 2′ for 5 Rounds:5x Jerk (*Split Jerk) 60/40kg[15′] Finisher:Snoop Dog – Sweat@ Sweat Burpee@ Rest SU’s
OTM 15′, 40“on/20“off:1) 5-8x Deadlift 100/65kg2) 40“ Goblet March 24/16kg3) 40“ Reverse SU’s (sc.: normal SU’s) WoD:First: ME burpees in 1 minute, remember the number n = count of burpees you just did.then 3′ Restthen: 4 RFT:n UNBROKEN Burpees500m Run[Cap 18′][two Scores: 1) ME Burpees (n) in one minute and 2) time.]
A) Strength/Skill:Complex, RX@ 60/40kg:Every 2′ for 6 Rounds:4x Power Clean3x S2O B) WOD: FRAN: For time 21-15-9:– Thrusters 42,5/30kg– Pull-ups[Cap 12′]