For Quality 9′:5x Snatch / Squatsnatch 40/30kg (sc.: 10x DB-Snatch 50/35lbs)~1′ Break / change weights WoD: OTM/OT2M, 3 Rounds [18′]1′) 15x Sit-ups2′) 20x American KB-Swings + 10x Push-Press 24/16kg (5/5)1′) 10x Deck Squats 20/15kg2′) (*1-2x Rope Climb) + 15-25x Ring Rows
A) Strength/Skill:Every 2′ for 5 Rounds:5x OH-Squats 50/35kg (sc.: F-Squats)15x Push-ups B) WOD:ELIZABETH:21-15-9 reps, for time:Power Cleans 60/42,5kgRing Dips (sc.: banded, on box)[Cap 10′]
Skill/Strength:for Quality 15′:Sets of 5 unbroken Cleans 60/40kg WOD: „RAED LINE“OTM 15′:1) 12x Burpees over Bar2) 5x Clean 60/40kg3) 30“ Max DU’s (SU’s/3)[score: total DU’s/SU’s*Adv.: & +1 rep for each kg more then RX on the Clean each Round, if you have 10kg more on the Barbell the whole Workout you will get + 50…
For Quality 12′:3x Wallwalks6x alt. Devil Presses 1×50/35lbs (3/3)9x Pull-ups120x SU’s (*Adv.: 40-60x DU’s)~ 60“ Break WoD: For time:50-40-30-20-10 reps– Push-ups– Handstand (seconds)(*Freestanding / sc.: Handstand/Headstand/Plank )[Cap 16′]
WoD: Teams of 2:Amrap 4×5′ + Breaks:Buy in @ every round: run 500m – 111x DUs / 333x SU’s (Partners alternate)#1: 5′ ME HRPU (on/off)#2: 5′ ME T2B (on/off)#3: 5′ ME Wallballs (on/off)#4: 5′ ME V-ups (on/off)1,5′ break beetween exercises
Skill, for Quality, 2 Rounds:2,5′: turkish get ups 24/16kg2,5′: T2B 3 RFT:15x Burpees500m Run15x Decksquats 15/10kg15x Pull-ups[Cap 18′]
Every 90“ for 3 Rounds:#1: 10x Squatclean 50/35kg#2: 50x Russian Twists 20/14lbs#3: 60“ Plank WoD: OTM 15′:1) 15x Wallballs 20/14lbs2) 15x KB-Swings 24/16kg3) 45“ SU’s/DU’s (reverse /Crossovers)
OTM 15′:1) 8-12x Box-Jumps 60/50cm2) 30-40x Russian Twists 20/14lbs3) 60“ Plank WOD: 3 Rounds for time:20x Thursters 40/30kg20x BurpeesRest exactly 1′ after each Round.(auch nach der letzten)if there is still time left at the end: ME DU’s / SU’s[Cap 15′, score: DU’s/SU’s]
3 Rounds, for Quality:#1: 2,5′: Handstand-/Headstand (Hold/Walk/Pushups)#2: 2.5′: TU’s / DU’s / SU’s[15′] WoD: OTM 15′:1) 5-8x Pull-ups (*C2B)2) 15x Wallballs 20/14lbs3) 15x American KB-Swings 24/16kg
Strength, 12′:find 5 RM Strict Presswarm-up:10reps ~50% (easy)8reps ~70% (medium)5 reps ~80% (hard but possible)Start to find your 5 RM.1-2‘ Break beetween heavy sets. WoD: AMRAP, 2 Rounds:2′ Over Box Lunges 2×45/25lbs (all: 50cm)1′ Break2′ V-ups (sc.: Tuck-ups)1′ Break2′ HRPU’s (*HSPU’s)1′ Break