OTM 15′:1) 8-12x Box-Jumps 60/50cm2) 8-12x Band Pull-Aparts Green/blue3) 8-12x T2B WoD: Tabata 8×20“on/10“off:1) Wallballs 20/14lbs2) KB-Swings 32/24kg3) DB-Burpees Deadlifts 2x 50/35lbs
A) for Quality 10′:10x Glute Bridges10x alt. Plank Knee Rotations10x V-ups1′ Plank (sc.: on Knees)30-60“ Break B) WoD: AMRAP 10′, ladder +3:3x F-Squats 60/40kg (+3)3x Ring Push-ups (+3) (sc.: normal PU’s/on Knees) Finisher:Snoop Dog – Sweat:@ „Sweat“ -> Burpees@ Rest -> SU’s or JJs
WoD: AMRAP 40′, Teams of 2, on/SU’s:10x Burpees (+10)10x Box-Step-ups 60/50cm | 1×50/35lbs (+10)20x Sit-ups (+20)20x American „Strict“ KB-Swings 24/16kg (+20)
Strength/Skill 10′:sets of 10x KB(DB)-Snatches 24/16kg(50/35lbs)(5 right arm/5 left arm) AHAP30-60“ Break A) OTM 8′:1) 10x alt. pistols2) 20-45x DU’s | 45-90x SU’s B) WOD- AMRAP 8′:5x Power snatch 40/30kg10x Pull-ups
Every 1,5′ for 6 rds:5-8x Shoulder 2 Overhead 60/40kg–> go heavy OTM 18′:1: 30“ Bar Hold + 5x Strict Pull-ups2: 30“ Push-up Hold (up/*halfdown) + (5-)10x Push-ups2: 30“ Squat Hold + (10-)15x Squats
Strength:Every 2′ for 5 Rounds:8-12x Deadlift 100/65kg WoD: OTM 16′:1) 8-10x Back Squat Jump 40/30kg (Toes down in air)2) 40“: for Quality: Pull-ups3) 8-10x Slow B-Squats 40/30kg4) 40“ for Quality: HSPUs (*Strict, sc.: elevated, on Box, HRPUs)
A) OTM 12′:1) 15x SDHPs 32/24kg2) 15x Tip Toes3) 8-12x Ring Dips (sc.: banded, on Box) B) WoD: AMRAP 12′:3x Weighted Pull-Ups 1×35/25lbs (sc.: normal /banded / RingRows)6x Push-Ups on DBs9x DB-Squats 2×35/25lbs Finisher: Sally – Leg Raises
OTM 12′:1) 8x Box Lunges + Reverse Lunge (4/4) 60/50cm(*Adv.: weighted 2×25/15lbs)2) 30-40x Russian Twists 20/14lbs3) 40“ slow alt. Leg Extensions WoD: Tabata, 8×20“on/10“off:#1: DU’s / SU’s/3(short Break)#2: Sit-ups(short Break)#3: Row for cal (Burpees)(short Break)#4: Supermanscore: all reps count for each exercise.
Strength:Every 2′ for 4 Rounds:10x F-Squats 60/40kg WoD: 20 min AMRAP, you go – i go:10x S2O 40kg/30kg10x American KB-Swings 24/16kg10x Clean 40/30kgchoose the starting weight so each set of exercises can be performed unbroken.
For Quality 15′:5-6x Floorpress 2×50/35lbs on MB + one set ME Push-ups–> AHAP @ the Floorpress30x alt. Lunges (*Jumping)1′ Wallsit1-2′ Break WoD: 5 RFT:10x T2B50x DU’s / 125x SU’s10x T2Bexactly 1′ Rest[Cap 15′]