Beiträge von Roland
Complex:Every 2′ for 5 Rounds:9x DB-Deadlift6x alt. DB-Lunges (*Adv.: 1-hand OH)3 x DB Clean + JerkRX @ 2×50/35lbs (24/16kg)[15′] Teams of 2: on/rope skippingAmrap 20′, Ladder:one is rope jumping, while the other completes the reps.(*Adv.: rope jumping Error= 1x syncronised Burpee) 4x HRPU +1 (*Adv.: HSPUs)4x KB-Tater 24/16kg +14x Sit-up +1 (*Adv.: Throws 20/14lbs)
for Quality 15′:8x Leg Raises on Floor (*Adv.: Leg Raises + Tip toes)16x T2B24x KB-Swings 24/16kg32x DU’s (80x SU’s)1′ Break WoD: 5 Rounds (15′):2′ time for:10x Burpees10x G2O 20/15kgME alt. OH-Lunges 20/15kg1′ Break(score: all OH-Lunges of all 5 Rounds)
Strength:Every 2′ for 5 Rounds:5x(-8x) Strict Press 40/30kg, slow descent @ 5“ down WoD: OTM 20′, 5 Rounds:1) 8x Chin-up / *Adv.: Ring – pull-ups (start with pull-up grip, end with chin-up grip)2) 10x Burpees3) 12x Landmine Twists 35/25kg4) 14x Wallballs 20/14lbs
for Quality 13′:10x Shoulder Dislocks10x PVC Waiter Squats10x PVC OHS8x Turkish get-ups 35/25lbs (4/4)5x OHS 35/25kg WoD: 3 RFT:30x OHS 35/25kg500m Run[Cap 18′]
A) OTM 10′:1) 6-8x Floorpress 2×50/35lbs + one unbroken set max Push-ups2) 40“ DU’s/SU’s B) WOD: AMRAP 10′, Ladder +5:5x Wallballs 20/14lbs (+5)5x Americn KB-Swings 24/16kg (+5)
A) for Quality 15′:8x Slow Iron Cross 2x 2,5kg / 1,25kg8x Chin-ups (sc. Jumping, slow) 8x Band Pull Aparts green/blue 8x full ROM Push-ups (weighted)~ 1′ Break B) WoD: AMRAP 15′:4x KB-Thrusters8x KB alt. FrontRack Lunges16x KB Suitcase DeadliftsRX @ KB: 2×24/16kg: / DB: 2x 50/35lbs
OTM 15′, for Quality: 40“on/20“ off:1) Box-Jumps 60/50cm (sc.: Step-ups)2) Good Mornings3) Strict T2B WoD: AMRAP 14′:Teams of 2, you go – i go, ladder +11x Power Clean 60/40kg (+1)1x Burpee over Bar (+1)1x F-Squat 60/40kg (+1)
OTM 15′, RX@ 20/15kg1) 5-8x Behind the Neck Press (Snatchgrip)2) 5-8x Overhead-Squats3) 5-8x Snatch Balance4) Practice: Tall-Snatch5) Practice: Hang-Squatsnatch (*Snatch from the Floor) WoD: OTM 12′:1) 10-14x alt. DB-Snatches 50/35lbs(* 4-5x Snatches 50/35kg)2) 15-20x HollowRocks
Strength:OTM 10′:1) 10x Strict DB-Press 50/35lbs (5r/5l)2) 20x Renegade Rows 50/35lbs (10r/10l) WoD: OTM 20′:1) 5-10x Pull-ups2) 10x alt. OH-Lunges 20/15kg3) 10x G2O 20/15kg4) 10-15x Sit-up Throws 20/14lbs
OTM 18′:1) 8-12x Push-ups (Adv.: Clapping / Sc.: on Knees, on Box) 2) 12-14x Bulgarian Split Squats (2×35/25lbs, 6-7x each side)3) 15x T2B WoD, AMRAP 12′:1′ DU’s / SU’s/31′ DB-Snatches 50/35lbs2′ DU’s / SU’s/32′ DB-Snatches 50/35lbs3′ DU’s / SU’s/33′ DB-Snatches 50/35lbs(score1: all DU’s / SU’s divided with 3score2: all Snatches)