
Skill: Clean
For Quality 6′:
1x Power Clean with pause
(lift it a bit from the bottom, don’t fall forward, glutes engaged, weight on heels)
1x Front Squat with pause (@bottom)
1x Squat Clean with pause

followed by for Quality 6′:
sets of 3-5x Squat Clean 60/40kg (80% 1RM)

WOD: for time, Teams of 2: RX@20/14lbs
100x MB-Russian Twists
(on/off, one rep = r + l)
500m MB-Partnerrun
(Team carries one Medball)
100x Partner Thrusters
100x Partner Medball Sit-ups
500m MB-Partnerrun
100x Wallballs
[Cap 20′, score: time]