Pyramid Complex:
Thrusters (3′ to warm-up + find starting weight)
Every 2,5′ for 5 Rounds (#1,#2, #3, #4, #5):
#1: 15x reps easy weight (1) 40/25kg
#2: 10x reps medium (2) 50/35kg
#3: 5x reps MAX 60/45kg
#4: 10x reps (2) 50/35kg
#5: 15x reps (1) 40/25kg
choose weight –> try to get the reps each round unbroken.
[Dauer: ~ 18′]
WoD: OTM 15′:
1) 10x KB-Cleans (*Bottom-up) 1×24/16kg (DB: 55/35lbs)
2) 10x KB-Pushpress 1×24/16kg
3) 15x HollowRocks