OTM 6′, for Quality, 40“on/20“off:
1) DB-Clean + Jerk 35/25lbs
2) 1-arm alt. OH-Lunges 35/25lbs
3) T2B (sc.: K2E/K2C)
Buy in:
25x Burpees for Teammate2
25x Wallballs for Teammate3
(Teammate1 – no Buy in: starts with the AMRAP)
AMRAP 27′, ladder +1:
1x alt. DB-Hang-Clean+Jerk 1×50/35lbs (+1)
1x alt. 1-arm alt. DB-OH-Lunge 1×50/35lbs (+1)
1x T2B (+1)
Switch/break Penalty:
Coinflip: Heads or Tail:
Head: 15x Burpees
Tail: 15x Wallballs 20/14lbs